Akiva School

Akiva School

Quotes from Pikuach about Akiva

  • Teaching and learning are outstanding, resulting in Akiva pupils achieving very high standards in all areas of their learning and making rapid progress over time. 

  • The creative and imaginative curriculum at Akiva is interwoven with the National Curriculum at every level and this provides pupils with great breadth and depth of knowledge and at the same time links everything they do in their school day to their personal lives as Jewish people.

  • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding because of a deep and sincere respect shared by all. Pupils show great sensitivity and respect for themselves and for others, and display great enthusiasm for their learning. 

  • The inclusive nature of the school, underpinned by the school’s strong ethos, ensures that every view is valued and this results in a culture of love and care which is palpable throughout the school. 

Source: Pikuach June 2018


Pikuach  is the only inspection service accredited by the Department for Education (DfE) to undertake inspections for religious education at Jewish schools in the UK, the statutory equivalent of OFSTED.

See also: 

Welcome from our Headteacher       Quotes from our Ofsted Inspection  Quotes from our Parents                    Quotes from our Children